How To: Hanging Lights On Your Christmas Tree

Christmas treeIt’s that time of year again and putting lights on a Christmas tree takes patience and a few simple steps. At Ace Hardware of Gray, Georgia, we take pride in knowing everything about home improvement, so we’ve taken the time to put together an easy guide to help make your decorating process smooth.

First things first, when you’re hanging Christmas tree lights on a fresh tree, you should plan on using three 100-light sets for every foot of your tree’s height. Next, mentally divide the tree into three triangular sections, from top to bottom, around the tree’s cone. This works easier than just wrapping the lights around the tree in a maypole style.

After plugging in the first string of lights, nestle the last bulb on the string at the top of the tree next to the trunk and weave the tree lights back and forth across the triangle. Be careful not to cross the cord over itself. Finally, when you reach the end of the first string, plug in the next set and continue weaving the lights back and forth until you reach the bottom, and repeat the procedure for the remaining triangles.

One thing to remember when you’re taking the lights down is to just work in reverse.

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