Thanksgiving week has finally arrived. Some revelers have had their pie crusts and pumpkin frozen since they hung their holiday décor, while others are still fighting the holiday mob at grocery stores and Gray home improvement stores. You may be adding leaves to the dining room table or unfolding a plastic dining room set in your outdoor living space, complete with heaters and holiday lights. But whether you’re smoking your turkey in a Big Green Egg or cooking in a traditional oven, the heart of the holiday remains the same.
This Thanksgiving, Ace of Gray is thankful for the customers that make our jobs worthwhile. The folks of Gray, Georgia bring us the kindness, curiosity, and desire to enrich hearth and home that’s a staple of Southern living. This holiday season, take a moment to bless your neighbors and community the same way they bless you. Donate old clothing to charity, bring a bag of groceries to a canned food drive, or bake an extra pie for your neighbor. It’s time to count our blessings, and there’s no better way to give thanks than by giving someone else something to treasure.
Cherish your time with your loved ones this Thanksgiving. We’ll be here, same time as always, on Friday morning. Happy Holidays from Ace of Gray!